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Rules of the Club

1. Name
The name of the club is The Dorkinian Football Club (the “Club”).

2. Objects
The objects of the Club are to provide facilities for, and to promote community participation in, the amateur sport of Association Football in Dorking and surrounding districts.

3. Status of Rules
These rules (the “Club Rules”) form a binding agreement between each member of the Club.

4. Rules and Regulations
(a) The Club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of The Football Association by virtue of its affiliation to/membership of The Football Association. The Rules and Regulations of the Football Association Limited and the Amateur Football Combination (or such other league to which the Club may be affiliated) shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Club Rules.
(b) The Club Rules may, from time to time, be supplemented by additional rules, which shall be effective only if agreed by the members at a general meeting of the Club (the “Supplementary Rules”). Following such agreement at a general meeting, the Supplementary Rules shall be deemed to be incorporated into the Club Rules.
(c) No alteration of the Club Rules shall be effective unless it is agreed by the members at a general meeting.
(d) The Club will also abide by the Football Association’s Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy.

5. Club Membership
(a) The members of the Club from time to time shall be those persons listed in the register of members (the “Membership Register”) which shall be maintained by the Membership Secretary of the Club.
(b) Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. Any person who wishes to be a member must apply on the Membership Application Form and deliver it to the Club. Election to membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Management Committee. Membership shall become effective upon an applicant’s name being entered in the Membership Register which shall not occur until at least 48 hours after delivery of the Membership Application Form to the Club.
(c) In the event of a member’s expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the Membership Register.
(d) The Football Association and parent County Association shall be given access to the Membership Register on demand.
(e) The Club may have different classes of membership on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Membership Register shall be split into the following categories; Playing Members and Non-Playing Members.
(f) No member of the Club shall be permitted to use the Club’s name or logo, without the prior authorisation of the Management Committee.

6. Annual Membership Fee
(a) An annual fee payable by each member shall be determined from time to time by the Management Committee. Any fee shall be payable on a successful application for membership by each member and in accordance with the terms contained within the Membership Application Form. The Management Committee may allocate different levels of annual fees to reflect members different circumstances (for example:- student rates, youth team rates, family rates or unemployed rates) and shall set a different level of annual fee for Non-Playing Members. Fees shall not be repayable.
(b) The Management Committee shall have the authority to levy further subscriptions from the members as are reasonably necessary to fulfil the objects of the Club.

7. Resignation and Expulsion
(a) A member shall cease to be a member of the Club if, and from the date on which, he/she gives notice to the Management Committee of their resignation. Excluding in circumstances where a prior agreement is in place between a member and the Management Committee, a member whose annual membership fee or further subscription is more than two months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned.
(b) The Management Committee shall have the power to expel a member when, in their opinion, it would not be in the interests of the Club for them to remain a member.
(c) A member who resigns or is expelled shall not be entitled to claim any, or a share of any, of the Club Property.

8. Management Committee
(a) The Management Committee shall consist of the following Club Officers: President, Chairman, Honorary Club Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Youth Chairman and Mini Soccer Chairman (the “Permanent Members”), plus any other Club Officers or Club members as considered necessary during the course of the season and as agreed by the Permanent Members, provided, that at no point shall the number of individuals on the Management Committee exceed 12.
(b) The Club Officers are as follows: President, Chairman, Honorary Club Secretary, Honorary Match Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Director of Football, Bar Secretary, Pixham Officer, Westhumble Officer, Communication Officer, Equipment Officer, Sponsorship Officer, Welfare Officer, Senior Team Captains, Youth Chairman, Youth Treasurer, Youth Secretary, Mini Soccer Chairman, Mini Soccer Treasurer, Mini Soccer Secretary, the Manager of each Youth Team and the Manager of each Mini Soccer Team.
(c) Each Club Officer and Management Committee Member shall hold office from the date of appointment until the next Annual General Meeting unless otherwise resolved at a Special General Meeting. One person may hold no more than two positions of Club Officer at any time. The Management Committee shall be responsible for the management of all the affairs of the Club. Decisions of the Management Committee shall be made by simple majority of those attending the Management Committee
meeting. The Chairman of the Management Committee meeting shall have a casting vote in the event of tied vote. Meetings of the Management Committee shall be chaired by the Chairman and in his absence by such other member of the Management Committee elected to chair that meeting.
(d) The quorum for the transaction of business of the Management Committee shall be five.
(e) Decisions of the Management Committee shall be entered into the records of the Club to be maintained by the Honorary Club Secretary.
(f) Save as provided for in the Rules and Regulations of the Football Association and the County Association to which the Club is affiliated, the Management Committee shall have the power to decide all questions and disputes arising in respect of any issue concerning the Club Rules.

9. Selection Committee
(a) A selection committee (the “Selection Committee”) comprising of the captains of each team (or their respective nominees) shall meet under the Chairmanship of the Director of Football to select the teams.
(b) Unless there are exceptional circumstances, no player shall be selected to play for a team which is more than one team higher or lower than the team for which he was last selected to play.

10. Guests and use of the Bar
(a) Members of visiting clubs or people attending bona fide organised functions and matches may be admitted to the bar area of the Club and permitted to buy alcohol under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003.
(b) Guests of members of the Club will also be allowed access to the bar area of the Club and be entitled to purchase alcohol as long as they are accompanied by a member.

11. Annual and Special General Meetings
(a) An Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) shall be held in each year no later than 7 July to: (i) receive a report of the activities of the Club over the previous year; (ii) receive a report of the Club’s finances over the previous year; (iii) elect the members of the Management Committee and elect the Club Officers; (iv) consider any other business; and (v) elect an honorary auditor.
(b) A Special General Meeting (“SGM”) may be called at any time by the Committee and shall be called within 21 days of the receipt by the Honorary Club Secretary of a requisition in writing signed by not less than five members stating the purposes for which the meeting is required and the resolutions proposed. Business at an SGM may be any business that may be transacted at an AGM.
(c) The Honorary Club Secretary shall send to each member written notice of the date of a general meeting, together with the resolutions to be proposed, at least 14 days before the date of the general meeting. Where a member has so elected the written notice may be by way of electronic mail.
(d) The quorum for a general meeting shall be eight members present and entitled to vote.
(e) The Chairman, or in their absence, a member selected by the Management Committee shall take the chair. Each member present and entitled to vote shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote. (f) The Honorary Club Secretary, or in their absence, a member selected by the Management Committee, shall enter the minutes of the general meetings into the records of the Club.

12. Club Finances
(a) Such bank accounts as are required shall be opened and maintained in the name of the Club (the “Club Accounts”). Designated account signatories for the Senior teams shall be the Chairman, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Club Secretary (the “Senior Account Signatories”), designated account signatories for the Youth teams shall be the Youth Chairman, Youth Treasurer and Youth Secretary (the “Youth Account Signatories”) and designated account signatories for the Mini Soccer teams shall be the Mini Soccer Chairman, Mini Soccer Treasurer and Mini Soccer Secretary (the “Mini Soccer Account Signatories”). All monies payable to the Club shall be received by either the Honorary Treasurer, Youth Treasurer or Mini Soccer Treasurer and deposited in one of the Club Accounts. Cheques, online payments, or transfers in excess of £2,000 between the Senior, Youth and Mini Soccer accounts must be authorised in advance by the Management Committee and such authorisation appropriately minuted. Transfers between the Senior, Youth and Mini sections shall not exceed £3,000 in any single financial year. Transfers of less than £2,000 may be made between Senior, Youth and Mini Soccer accounts on agreement by the appropriate Treasurers and Chairmen concerned. Any dispute with regard to inter-Club finances shall be taken to a sub-committee, which shall consist of: (i) the Senior Account Signatories; (ii) one Youth Account Signatory; (iii) one Mini Soccer Account Signatory; and (iv) one additional individual who shall either be a Youth Account Signatory or a Mini Soccer Account Signatory (the “Club Finances Dispute Committee”). The Club Finances Dispute Committee shall have the power to decide all questions and disputes arising in respect of any issue concerning inter-Club finances.
(b) The income and assets of the Club (the “Club Property”) shall be applied only in the furtherance of the objects of the Club. All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the Club. If the Club has any income, profits, gains or other funds which the Management Committee considers not to be needed to meet the Club’s short term needs for providing facilities and participation then the Honorary Treasurer may deposit or invest those funds after taking appropriate professional advice. The Honorary Treasurer will report back to members, as a minimum, at the AGM, on the performance of any such investments and review the Club’s investments in the light of its financial needs for providing facilities and participation.
(c) The Management Committee shall have the power to authorise the payment of remuneration to any member of the Club and to any person or persons for services rendered to the Club.
(d) No Club Officer shall be permitted to make a payment on behalf of the Club in excess of £1,000 without the prior authorisation of at least two members of the Management Committee.
(e) The Club shall prepare an annual Financial Statement in such form as shall be published by the Football Association from time to time.
(f) The Club’s financial year shall run from 1 May to the 30 April in the following year.
(g) No surplus income, profits or assets shall be distributed to members or third parties.
(h) The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, away match expenses, post-match refreshments and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs
as provided for in the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and Finance Act 2010.

13. Discipline
(a) The Management Committee or any sub-committee appointed for the purpose may if they deem appropriate, suspend any playing member from representing the Club for any period of time that they shall see fit in addition to any period of suspension that may have been imposed by the League or County Association.
(b) The Management Committee shall also have the right to expel members from the Club for reasons of discipline on or off the pitch.

14. Bar Committee
(a) The Bar Secretary shall be responsible for the running of the bar and may co-opt members of the Club to a committee to assist him in the management of the bar save that any member so co-opted shall be at least 18 years of age.
(b) The Club Secretary shall also be responsible for ensuring that the alcohol licence held by the Club is renewed as and when appropriate.

15. Dissolution
(a) A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at a General Meeting and shall be carried by a majority of at least three-quarters of the members present and entitled to vote.
(b) The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the members of the Management Committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and the liabilities of the Club.
(c) Upon dissolution of the Club, any surplus assets remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the Club shall be given or transferred to another registered community amateur sports club, a registered charity or the Football Association for use by them in related community sports.